Wednesday, January 20, 2010

And They’re Off: TCD on Wheels

As we put road between us and Addis in a mini-van packed with two dirt-bikes, their proud owners, and a fascinating Ethiopian driver, we could not have predicted the adventure ahead of us. Upon our return, Siggi stated matter-of-factly, “Chinese bikes? You must be sure to check every screw.” A little offended that he share our deep affinity for our new toys, we reluctantly pulled out our wrench set and began tightening what seemed like perfectly taught bolts. The wheels were secure; what else mattered?
The next day, my birthday, we hit the road for the first time. We raced across the desert glad to finally have a desert wind in our hair rather than the high altitude pollution of Addis Ababa. We made it about a kilometer down the road before we hit our first obstacle; donkeys brought us to a grinding halt and tested every ounce of my newly acquired motorcycle accident avoidance skill.
A little further down the only road to Hurso, we ride through the town of Melkacheptu. It is a quaint little village with charming hordes of children who accurately hurl rocks at us from the side streets as we slowly maneuver through the sea of careless pedestrians.
It was in this town, on our inaugural ride, that Peter discovered that, “somewhere back there,” he lost his shifter pedal. He would spend the rest of his ride in 5th gear.
After successfully navigating the labyrinthine maze of Melkacheptu, we found the great open road that leads curvaceously to Hurso. Over hill and dale, across bridges that link bits of landscape not tattered by the erosive torrents of the rainy season, meanwhile yielding to baboons, donkeys, and camels, and dodging dust storms that nearly knock us from our mount, we cautiously made our way to Hurso.
Success! We pull into the school compound a little shaken up, a little sore, and very dusty. After a days work, we headed back to our bikes, Peter focused on 5th gear drive at hand, and I on the task of remaining upright against a mass of foes on this my second time driving a motorcycle . It was then that we realized the screws on my license plate had loosed themselves “somewhere back there.” As Peter tried to get a good roll going to start off in 5th, I discovered, via my immense knowledge of small engine mechanics, that my bike was no longer in possession of a battery. It, like my license plate, had taken flight in the vast expanse between Hurso and home. Time to test out my kick starter! Kick starters are so much more refined anyway. Kick, Kick…Snap. Kick, Kick…Crackle. Kick, Kick…Pop. The kick that started the bike also broke the kick starter. A little more than discouraged, we headed back home at about 15mph, as opposed to the 40mph we averaged on our approach.
We had nearly made it home when I turned to see if Peter was still riding a bike. About 500 meters back, in a scene that would become common place, Peter lay crouching beside his bike. His license plate had nearly fallen off. He rescued it while it hung by one rickety, nut-less bolt. My bike stopped running as I attempted to idle at his side.
A few more forced stops, and we were home; our deflated spirits lasted only until dinner.
The next day, we called our Ethiopian friend Zerihun to pick up some spare parts and a new license plate. He suggested that, on our future trips out to Hurso, we have Alex follow behind on foot with a suitcase to collect all of the parts we lose so he can eventually build his own motorcycle.
In the weeks that have followed, we have tightened more than a few screws, patched and repaired 3 out of 4 tires, and adjusted our headlamps to illuminate the obstacles ahead rather than the night sky above. The tires really were secure.
We have enjoyed our new bikes thoroughly and after working out most of the kinks, they have proved integral to furthering Transformational Community Development in Hurso.

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